
Personal Profile 

Personal Profile

Caleb McAfee and his wife Mary live in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. They have been happily married since 1961. Since college  days, they have felt the call of God upon their lives. They were led to serve and represent the Lord on the “mission field” of business.

For over 25 years they were active in  various businesses. Mr. McAfee was an entrepreneur in the strictest sense of the word. His background includes investment banking, mortgage banking, asset management, commercial investment real estate ownership, brokerage and management, and financial education on a national level. He is the author of several books and business courses and has appeared on  television and radio talk shows across the nation. He is regarded as an expert in the  field of small business and has written a course on that topic.

During their extensive business career,  little did the McAfees know that they were being uniquely qualified to fulfill a very  specific calling—to help God’s children stop being in servitude to debt and break free into biblical prosperity.

Caleb says:

“During our business career, God had us in special training for this very hour. Learning how to apply biblical principles to  life, family and business has brought thrilling results. Our experience has been  far-reaching in the business world. I have come to realize my knowledge and extensive  background are not for the creation of personal fame or fortune, but are a trust given to  me to help other Christians develop a theology on material wealth and learn godly money  management. My greatest joy is to help others reach their full potential in God.”

Caleb McAfee founded Caleb McAfee  Ministries, Inc. (CMM) in 1991. Caleb and Mary now spend most of their time doing what  they enjoy most, researching the Scriptures, writing, teaching and conducting their biblical economics seminar, Money and the Christian. This  popular seminar deals with personal finances from a biblical perspective. It is personally conducted by Caleb and Mary approximately 40 times each year across America.


"Though your riches increase do not set your heart on them."

Psalm 62:10


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