
What Other's Are Saying 

What Leading Pastors Are Saying About
"Money and the Christian" Seminars...


I have heard numerous sermons relating to the issue of tithing. Brother McAfee’s message on Leviticus 27:30 was the most inspiring yet. Many have reported God’s miraculous provision following the seminar. I give special thanks to Caleb and Mary McAfee  for teaching these powerful biblical truths.
        Pastor Kent Redfern, Muldoon Community Church, Anchorage, Alaska

Your teaching on biblical economics has certainly changed things for the good here. The  giving has been steadily increasing since the seminar. We praise God for His faithfulness for sending you to us. We want you back again.
        Pastor Jack Brock, Christ Community  Church, Alamogordo, New Mexico

I believe this seminar is one of the most helpful special events we have brought to  Calvary Temple in recent years...every church in America would profit from a seminar with  Caleb McAfee.
        Pastor J. Don George, Calvary  Temple, Irving, Texas

Your presentation was fresh and breathed life into our congregation about a subject  that desperately needs a clear explanation...our finances since the seminar are 40% higher.
        Pastor Paul  Estes, Christ Church International, Dothan, Alabama

We will be reaping much fruit from the meeting for years to come.
        Pastor L.M. Thorne, Abundant Life  Church, Fort Walton Beach, Florida

Our goal and policy is to secure the finest teachers on selected subjects that are available in the body of Christ. Their course, “Money and the Christian” is just that. They are the best that I have ever heard on this subject. Our church income has risen significantly this year and I know that they are part of the cause.
        Dr. Ron Cottle, President, CLST, Columbus, Georgia

From a pastor’s perspective, the entire church is still “buzzing” about  the information and principles shared, with many who were absent requesting how they can  “get the tapes.”
        Pastor Mark Allen, Liberty Church, Edmond, Oklahoma


"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you."

John 15:7


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